Proofreading and editing

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Unfortunately, correct spelling, grammar and impeccable style are in danger of extinction. At the same time, they are an essential element of corporate life. Here’s a solution to this dilemma: just hire a language purist who is allergic to spelling and grammar mistakes as well as stylistic atrocities, but who will polish your copy without lecturing you.

Choose between these two options: grammar and spell check, including punctuation, sentence structure, verb tenses, tense consistency, etc. (proofreading) or all of the above plus content editing: improvement of style, correction of redundancies and repetitions, syntax, improvement of comprehensiveness, etc. (editing).

When proofing or editing German-language texts, I observe the new German spelling rules (final reform as of August 1, 2006). I will also be happy to include client-specific wording, e.g. women-friendly language.

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